3 posts tagged with "nextjs"
Solving the Module Not Found error when using NextJS and MonoRepos
I’m using the T3 stack to begin work on my movie application and I wanted to use ShadCN for the baseline of my components. I had another package called ui in which I was going to store all of my ShadCN components and then reference those in my nextJS application. I went…
Fixing ECONNREFUSED error in Rails and NextJS Docker Containers
I’m in the early stages of creating my application that uses NextJs as a frontend and Rails as the Api backend, when I realized that I couldn’t NextJs to talk to my api: At first I thought i had something misconfigured, on the NextJs side - but this is actually on the…
Fixing multiple renders with NextJs and tRPC
A post about how to fix multiple rendering issues when using NextJS and tRPC