5 articles tagged with "gatsby"

SEO with Gatsby and React-Helmet
React-Helmet is a way of managing all of the changes that are made to the head of an HTML document. With this component you can control the head using their react component. This allows you to add attributes to their component that will be added to the static HTML pages…

Fixing the MDB_PROBLEM: Unexpected problem - txn should abort in Gatsby
While I was preparing to work locally on my website, I did the typical and was met with this error: Error: MDB_PROBLEM: Unexpected problem - txn should abort Eh? MDB_PROBLEM? That’s a strange error … At first I thought I had made a mistake with my markdown files, so I…

Adding drafts to your blog posts in Gatsby
In this article I will teach you how to add a draft system to your Gatsby site so that you can prevent incomplete or unpublished posts from being visible to the public.

How to add redirects to a Netlify site in Gatsby
Previous this website was built in Wordpress, but now I’ve built it using Gatsby. In my migration to Gatsby I felt like I needed to change the url structure of the pages and not have any broken links. On my old webhost I did this using .htaccess and just define my…

Fixing Netlify form problems in Gatsby
After having a ton of issues getting Netlify’s form submission to work, I have some tips on how to get it working if you’re running into any trouble Do not forget the method attribute in the form tag I’ve wasted quite a few build minutes on Netlify on this small…